First Blog of 2017
Although the passing of time is arbitrary and as we are the only species that celebrates specific moments within it, I feel the title of this blog is slightly inconsistent with my own apathy on it's significance. However, it does afford me the time to do some of the things I've been meaning to get around to in a while. One f these things is a new website.
I have been very busy with my other businesses recently and I have made a few changes which should allow me to to do more of what I love which is spending more time in the studio with both my own projects and recording others.
Currently I'm in the middle of a recording session with a local glam rock band that have asked me to record a 'show reel' set of songs that they can use for their own promotion. Although this is not the kind of thing you are used to from Aandmade, it has come about through long friendships and the experience just adds additional skills that could always be drawn on later.
Coming up this year we will definitely have another aAnd? album (my own band), Between The Void will be back to record either a single or E.P and I hear that Al B Damned are not far off another full length album. Other than that, I have quite a significant amount of other artists that I am working with and I will let you all know and and when I can release any details.
Have fun