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Busy Busy....oh hang on!

What have Aandmade Studios been up to you must have been thinking when you woke up this morning? ...well I'm going to tell you anyway.

Mostly I have been busy with the music venue with a few rather large bands and some smaller ones that have been of outstanding quality. The Studio has taken a bit of a back seat because of all this however I completed the Glam Roxtasy demo (recorded, mixed and mastered), mastered the single for a dance/reggae producer which is currently awaiting release with a major label, completed another aAnd? track (Recorded/Mixed/Mastered) which has been released as a single and a recorded a solo artist which is a project I will also be musically involved in. This last one will be ongoing for a while as there are several EP's worth of material that will be worked on in chunks.

So actually, I've been so busy that I've not had a chance to book anyone on for the next few months. If anyone is reading, other than the next aAnd? EP and the acoustic stuff, I probably have room for more projects.

I'll try and put some of the latest stuff up in the next few days but get in touch for availability :)


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